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The exhibition “'We are sound people!'. Music of the russian avant-garde”

Russian National Museum of Music, 25.10.24 – 09.02.25

The title of the exhibition – We are Sound People! – is taken from the poem A Scratch in the Sky by Velimir Khlebnikov. This line is like a proud motto of the generation that discovered a new universe of sound at the beginning of the last century. Sound people are not only composers, but also designers of the first electronic instruments, inventors of noise machines and graphic sound, “abstruse” poets who wrote sound poems; directors of experimental theater, musicians who invented new ways of performing; and many others.

The project will reflect the musical avant-garde of its heyday – the 20-30s of the 20th century and will give an idea of what kind of music is being created in Russia today. The exhibition consists of six sections: Towards New Shores, 'Budetlyane' of Sound, Music of Machines, Art of Noise, Forms of Sound, Music for the Masses. The exhibition features manuscripts of works by contemporary composers who have provided the most unusual pieces of music: music recorded on a 31 m 80 cm roll; music consisting only of silence; music recorded in the form of a spiral and a starry sky; notes similar to abstract paintings, etc.

The key exhibits of the exhibition will be rare items from the collections of the Russian National Museum of Music. Visitors will see the original score of Alexander Scriabin's Prometheus with a light part, the world's first electric guitar, designed in the village of Bessonovka in 1934, as well as the Ekvodin, one of the first Soviet synthesizers.

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